CMMI Institute

Certified CMMI® Lead Appraiser 

Organizations around the world work diligently to achieve performance excellence based on CMMI’s benchmark practices. When they are ready to measure their accomplishments against the CMMI, they call a Lead Appraiser to determine their capability or maturity level.

Certified CMMI Lead Appraisers are able to:

Use best practice outcome-based instructional techniques to effectively support student mastery Understand how to plan and prepare for an appraisal using the CMMI Method Definition Document (MDD).


  • Understand how to conduct and report an appraisal using the MDD
  • Understand how to conduct an Action Plan Reappraisal using the MDD
  • Understand CMMI appraisal quality and ethics standards for improving and maintaining the reliability of the CMMI V2.0 appraisal method
  • Understand how to plan and prepare for an appraisal using the CMMI Method Definition Document (MDD). 

Certification Process

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Confirmation of CMMI Partner Sponsorship

    Be sure your sponsoring organization is an ISACA Partner that is licensed for the CMMI product suite.

    Not a Partner? Learn more about partnership today.

  3. Submit Lead Appraiser Application 

    Candidates must:

    • Complete the Partner Candidate Sponsorship Form
    • Non-native English speakers should send their TOEFL score demonstrating their ability to read, write, and speak understandable English
    • Use the button below to submit their application, where they will choose a view-based specialization: Development (DEV), Services (SVC), or Supplier Management (SPM)
    • Candidates may have more than one specialization but must choose a primary view for the course and observation
    Apply Now
  4. Required Experience

    Each application will be reviewed by the ISACA Appraiser Application Review committee.

    Candidates will be reviewed on the following selection criteria:

    • Teaching Experience and Skills


      Candidates must have training and/or experience in classroom presentations and management skills.


      Required: One year of experience presenting information (procedural and conceptual) in a clear concise, and engaging manner. May overlap with discipline area experience.


      Discipline Area Experience and Skills


      The candidate must have at least 10 years of experience in their desired View of the model. In addition to the experience and skills listed below, candidates must also have served in at least one of the following roles: member of engineering process group (EPG), member of process improvement (PI) team, or process improvement coach.



      • 10 years of experience related to product development, showing clear evidence of expertise in applicable areas
      • At least 3 years of experience related to interpreting or applying the CMMI models in a development work environment


      • 10 years of experience related to service delivery, showing clear evidence of expertise in applicable areas
      • At least 3 years of experience related to interpreting or applying the CMMI models in a service delivery work environment

      Supplier Management:

      • 10 years of experience related to supplier management, showing clear evidence in applicable areas
      • At least 3 years of experience related to interpreting or applying the CMMI models in a supplier management work experience

      Appraisal Experience and Skills

      Within 24 months of desired training date, candidates must have participated on 2 registered/reported V2.0 appraisals including Benchmark, Evaluation, or Sustainment appraisals only. APRs are not eligible.

      Language Experience and Skills

      Fluency in English is required

  5. Complete Training & Assignments

    Candidates must:

  6. Schedule & complete an Observation

    • Students will receive observation criteria during Lead Appraiser Training
    • Candidate and Partner organization must be in good standing
    • Observations must be scheduled within 24 months of successfully completing Instructor Training (failure to do so will result in loss of candidate status)
    • Candidate must demonstrate the ability to deliver an appraisal according to the MDD and observation guidelines
    • Not applicable for currently certified CMMI appraisers
  7. Receive & Maintain Certification

    • Upon successful completion of all steps, candidates will receive their certification diploma
    • Certified individuals can market their certification via:
            - Partner Directory
            - Published Appraisal Results (PARS) webpage 
            - Email signatures
            - Credentials on LinkedIn and other social media pages
  8. Current Lead Appraisers Wishing to Add a New Specialization View​

    • Meet all course, exam, experience, and submission requirements listed in the certification process on this page (Refer to Step 4 for experience requirements).
    • Successfully complete a scenario-based written exercise on the view they plan to specialize in. These written exercises are evaluated by ISACA and those not considered satisfactory will receive instructions for next steps. See the written scenario instructions.
    • Submit an application (Refer to Step 3)

Price Breakdown

Certification Step Fees
Foundations of Capability View All Courses
Introductory Building Course View All Courses
Virtual Solution Delivery $500
Advancing Organizational Capability: Applying CMMI $5,000
Lead Appraiser Training $10,000
Observation Visit the Candidate Information Page

Questions about becoming a Certified CMMI Lead Appraiser?

Submit this form and a Training & Certification specialist will be happy to help!

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